New Moon minute 2019

New Moon Minute was a monthly writers’ group taking place on or around the New Moon, in which participants developed 10-15 minute works for the stage that fell within the boundaries of Water House’s mission to produce Queer Mythos Theatre. We made works that stretch and challenge the boundaries of writing, using visual components beyond the written word, and exercising text in non-narrative ways. The work developed in New Moon Minute began on paper - in notation - and grew to flower on the performer's body, online, and beyond.

New Moon Minute was a part of our lunar and seasonal programming cycle. While the Full Moon Sing is still being held monthly in Providence, RI, our A Minute Flowering showcase tradition and the New Moon Minute cycles are on hiatus for now, as Water House Collective explores new ways of creating.

Meet the 2019 writers

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Alex moon

Alex Moon (Pronouns: a gentle he/him or they/them) is a theatre artist who’s worked with organizations such as The American Repertory Theatre; Boston University; Emerson College; CSU Long Beach; Nylon Fusion Theatre Company; KMC-Onstage in Kaiserslautern, Germany; The Company Theatre; Theatre Collaborative, and many more. His play “Gorgon” is a current semifinalist for the National Playwrights Conference, and his screenplay “Bad.” won “Best Screenplay” at the Tisch 48 Hour Film Festival. He's studied devised theatre with Frantic Assembly, acting with the NSLC-Yale School of Drama joint program, and is a proud member of NYU class of 2022.


brynn hambley

Brynn Hambley (she/her) is a New York based playwright, collaborative deviser, performer, actor, theatre educator, and occasional set designer. She loves to make theatre that ponders the human inclination towards grief and sadness, and whether this tendency is to be explored or overcome. She is very excited to make her professional playwriting debut with Waterhouse Collective! When she isn't making theatre, Brynn loves to cook delicious food with her husband, Jared; play with her ridiculous cat; craft all sorts of fun and ridiculous creations; and annoy her friends with eclectic memes she has found.


lee harrison daniel

Lee Harrison Daniel is a New York based writer-director-dramaturg-etc and a self-proclaimed fool. Originally from just outside of Detroit, Michigan, they now live in Brooklyn and are finishing up a degree in playwriting and new media at Marymount Manhattan College. You can keep up with all of Lee’s latest nonsense on Instagram @leeisthatyoulee.


Lindsay Drucker

Lindsay Drucker is a theater human based in Philly. As a writer, they are very interested in stories that allow joy for marginalized communities. As a lighting designer, they like working in found and nontraditional spaces. Recent tech favorites include Philly Asian Histories (Philly Asian Performing Artists), Killjoy Kastle (Icebox Project Space), The Laramie Project (City Lit, London), and  Do You Want a Cookie?/Late Night Snacks  (The Bearded Ladies), and “…LADDER” (Tribe of Fools).


Nina ki

Nina Ki is a Queerean (Queer + Korean) American playwright from Los Angeles and currently living in Brooklyn. Her plays have been seen and developed nationwide, including with Queens Theatre, Brave New World Repertory Theatre, the HBMG Foundation, InspiraTO, and Another Country Productions. She was a finalist for the Van Lier Fellowship, and her play “Moon Bear” was given special consideration for the Relentless Award. She is a member of the first cohort of the Radio Roots Writer's Group, facilitated by the Parsnip Ship. She holds a BFA in Dramatic Writing from New York University.



Due to the Covid-19 crisis, we at Water House are adjusting our production schedule for the 2020 season. In July, we will be sharing various digital versions of each of the New Moon Minute plays, here on the site as well on our social media pages. When it is once again safe to gather publicly, we will be producing these writers’ plays live, as originally planned.